Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A glimpse into the work God is doing in Guatemala

Here is a picture of Bill and a little girl named Gloria. The mission team went to Hermano Pedro, a hospital for the handicapped and disabled. Most of the patients there lay in cage like beds all day. This day, Bill got to hold this little girl. It was a very moving experience for him. Here are his word "I don't really have the words to express how thankful I am to God for allowing me to experience this. I was not looking forward to this part of the trip having foreknowledge of this place, but my time with little Gloria has blessed me beyond belief."

I am so thankful to have a husband with such compassion for others. He has such a huge heart, always wanting to help others. I often find myself discouraging this, feeling like his family deserves his time. I am thankful I serve a God who speaks louder than me and puts me in my place. I am thankful for a husband who listens to God. We are so blessed!

Please continue to pray for the team as they minister to the "least of these" in Guatemala. Bill, I love you and am so proud to call you my husband. Thank you for loving the people of Guatemala, you are setting an amazing example for our girls and I pray their heart for their country will one day be as big as yours.


Alison said...

SO sweet! We are thankful we get to know Bill too :).

Jan Owen said...

I took this picture! I loved seeing Bill with the children. Actually everyone did so great and they were so compassionate and caring. I was proud of how well our group handled a difficult ministry task. I think these kids touched us much more than we ministered to them!