We have been joining some other Guategirls/Guatemamas for play dates. I am so glad Fern has these other little ones to play with. We can't wait for Andrew, Adriana, and Flor to join us! Friday night we went to Bella's 2nd birthday party. Fern had a blast! Bella is the one in the green dress.
Friday, Bill's co-workers/friends gave us another shower. And on Saturday, we had one with my family and friends. We have been so blessed by all of our family and friends! I don't have pics from today yet, but I will post those soon.
Tonight, Fern was sitting on a little step stool feeding her baby. She had a wire mesh trash can that she had put her "monies" in that she kept dragging all over the living room. Here's what I saw her doing...
Guess she learned something from all of our strolling around Antigua!